Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Inexpensive Down Blanket Exceeds Expectations

Two years ago I saw a packable down blanket on Groupon for $20. I purchased a couple thinking they would be good for the back of the car for soccer games or possibly camping. They ended up being perfect for what I wanted and far superseded my expectations. They were warm, but not overly heavy and came with a small stuff sack that could double as a pillow. The trouble was, they were sold out on Groupon and I couldn't buy more.

Last Christmas, around Black Friday I found something similar sold as an Amazon deal. I  paid a little more, but I knew they were worth the cost. I wanted to be sure that each of my camping family members had one for their pack, and I wanted to get a couple as gifts.

The packable down blanket from Amazon was not as fluffy as the ones from Groupon, but I have found that they maintain shape and the density of the down better. They are also made of a different nylon that is not quite as slippery; When using my first blankets, I will often wake up to find they have fallen off.

I have used my down blankets extensively for camping, and I use them all year long. I haul them in the back of the car and have used them for soccer and other sporting events as well. One word of caution though, I washed the first ones per the instructions. Although I used a tennis ball in the dryer to fluff the down, the blanket has several voids where the feathers have shifted. After that, I have only washed them in the gentle cycle and air dry!

What I an most impressed with is how light and packable it is. It's warm enough to add insulation on the coldest days (surprisingly so) but not too warm to use during summer camping. I know I will buy them again too, but will watch for them to be offered at a discounted price!

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